Modular Expansion Joint

Committed To Value, Committed To You.

Deevin Modular joint systems represent the state-of-the-art approach to accommodating the large movements of long-span bridges. By incorporating the results of recent research activities, each joint system is designed to provide watertight, fatigue resistant, long-term, maintenance-free performance.

Modular expansion joint assemblies are subjected to millions of high dynamic stress cycles due to passing vehicle loads. Recognizing the significance of these dynamic loads on the long-term performance of expansion joint systems. Each Modular Expansion Joint System not only bridges the joint gap but also protects the structure from premature corrosion.

Modular Expansion Joint

They consist of three main components: sealers, separator beams and support bars. Sealers and separator beams form a watertight joint at the riding surface. Separator beams often are extruded or rolled metal shapes and allow joining of the seals in series. The separator beams are supported on support bars at frequent intervals. Modular strip seal expansion joint is used for large movement from 80mm to 2000 mm. Each seal has a capacity to accommodate movement up to 80mm.Strip Seal joint consists of an elastomeric