Finger Type Expansion Joint

Quality In-Built.

Deevin finger joint consists of multi-directional displacement hinge, sliding finger plate, fixed finger plate, support bracket, anchorage, and drainage system. The multi-directional displacement hinge is the key component of the finger joint, with capacity to accommodate the bridge three-dimensional deformation demands.

The fixed finger and the sliding finger plate components are located at the two opposite sides of the expansion gap. As the bridge deck expands and contracts, the fingers of the sliding part slide longitudinally between the fingers of the fixed part.

Finger Expansion Joint

The steel fingers which span the expansion gap act as a simply supported beam. The sliding finger plate assembly is connected with the multi-directional displacement hinge at one side of the joint and individual fingers spanning the gap always remain in permanent contact with the support on the opposing side of the joint provided by a steel sliding surface and a rubber shock absorber. The flexible and shock-absorbing design of the system helps to reduce the effects of vehicular loading impacts and thus improve the performance of the expansion joint.

Finger Type Expansion Joint

A Deevin finger joint is assembled from a unit segment perpendicular to the traffic direction. A typical unit segment is one meter long. The short length of the unit segment offers the advantage of quick replacement of sections in individual lines if required (possible in a single night shift) without closure of other lanes of traffic. The maintenance and life cycle costs are significantly reduced when compared to the type of modular joint.